Message: On the way back to 3 cents?

If and when the time comes for the company to announce something of substance to shareholders vs fluff, just to placate and give a warm fuzzy, they will.

In the mean time, patent announcements via PR's has done what for us?

Pretty obvious potential shareholders don't care,  current shareholders care but it does not matter announced or not, PPS wise on both comments, volume wise...nothing, so bringing up the lack of communication accomplishes what?

Something very odd is happening on the 4th floor.....the future of the company is the question.

  1. Are we pulling the plug?
  2. Are we in the process of being acquired?
  3. Are we scaling back for other reasons?

I called Fred 2 weeks before the Q hit with a simple question, mentioned the subject matter in my VM, and for the1st time in 17 years he did not return my call. 

In the past,  when a report is pending, such as this Q3, if I called prior to a filing, he'd wait til it was public then call. 

Something does not add up....but when it does, hope all are happy. 

Again, "don't care" as it is not effecting the pps either way. 

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