Message: Re: AIA/dischino
Jun 12, 2017 09:09PM
Jun 12, 2017 10:20PM
Jun 12, 2017 10:24PM
Jun 13, 2017 01:12PM

Jun 13, 2017 04:43PM
Jun 13, 2017 06:37PM

Jun 13, 2017 06:53PM
Jun 13, 2017 06:54PM
Jun 13, 2017 08:51PM
Jun 14, 2017 07:57AM
Jun 14, 2017 10:31AM

Jun 14, 2017 12:46PM
Jun 14, 2017 06:05PM

Jun 14, 2017 07:22PM
Jun 15, 2017 07:48AM
Jun 15, 2017 07:51AM

If we look back at all events starting with the suit against edig for failure to deliver about 85K in batteries to digEcor, a 4 year legal mess that we prevailed in, at the 2 year point, the company  got very quiet, under advice of our defense attorney, which was on EDIG'S nickel. 

When DM hit the scene, Mar, 2008 with the TX7 suits, at the Sept 17, 2008 shm, we asked how the company would be keeping us posted on legal events.  The answer by Putnam was this, "from Pacer".

He did not say "we will send out PR's to keep all informed of details of court proceedings on a regular basis".

The company culture changed drastically under advice/instructions of counsel to this day, to include the company SEC advisor tying Fred's hand even tighter which became evident when one on one visits were halted in 2011 if my memory is correct.

Bottom line, people are expecting communication out of the company on matters they are restricted to provide, by the lawyers....blame them guys and gals for Fred's silence.

Nothing will change for reasons explained by Fred and many of us here year after year.

We are all on a level playing field, we all know how it has been and how it will be, when the lawyers are calling the shots. 

Now...the 10-K is due very soon, let's see what Fred has to say.


Jun 15, 2017 11:23AM

Jun 15, 2017 03:46PM
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