Message: AIA

Joe i wont belabor the point.  That it seems that after making a comment there is a point that someone might not agree with it and pushes the button "Violation"  It starts here.  That being said.  I have been an investor for more than 60 years in a variety of companies that go back as far as telephone stock that was for 6 bucks.  yet in all that I have invested money with never and I do mean never has any one of those copanies treated its investors the way the board in this company has.  You can't say that in the last 5 years at least silent Sam and you know who I mean has not informed us about anything hiding behind NDA's and all that menusha.  All any one ever wanted was some input, some inkling that we are a viable company looking out for the best interest of its investors.  What we have seen was Patten after Patten violated and not a word because of NDA's.  Thats not the way a stand up company  should be allowed to operate operated.  In all the time that I have been with EDIG i have invested in real dollars more than 50 grand and would be glad to have gotten out if in some way the truth about all our NDA's were valid.  They were not.  Those companies abused EDIG and most of us here knows that..

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