Message: AIA

Getting out is one solution and maybe thats what the company is hoping for by their stand to not give you any information that would inhance the investment.  Its always easy to just say get out.  I don't know what your investment total was or is but what I would get back for what I originally invested just is not worth it.  I can live without it.  my take on this is that we are or were taken to a place that none of us signed up for and all we ever wanted was honesty in the direction the company was taking.  We here are not just investors we are a large group where some of us have holdings larger than some of the leaders and they seemed to be disgruntled with how we are treated.  Many of us look to you and other on this site as people that we can trust and are thankful for the work they have done which should have been the work of the company.   Thats wrong.  Silence is wrong.  Stonewalling is wrong.  It might be of inrest to all if something more legal can take place that can force these stonewallers to give us solid reasons for their non information even tomits shareholders.

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