Message: Re: who is a debtor?

Jul 27, 2017 03:17PM

Jul 27, 2017 05:05PM

I emailed Christopher R Barclay, the trustee of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy for Edigital....I asked him one question, is this hearing open to the public, mentioning I was not a creditior but an investor...the following is the reply I received:

"I am the bankruptcy trustee of corpĀ of corp., a California corp., case #17-04075

Richard Kipperman is the bankruptcy trustee of corp, a California corp., case #17-04073 My understanding is that the California corp is the operating arm/subsidiary of the Delaware corp.

There will be a meeting of creditors in each case and the person most knowledgeable of the debtor should appear. YOU ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND THE MEETING and "ASK QUESTIONS OF THE DEBTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE" as time permits. The 341a meeting is scheduled for August 9 @8:00AM"

Christopher R. Barclay

I am a little confused by Mr. Barclay saying he is the trustee then saying Mr. Kipperman is the trustee....Also you may note the two case numbers mentioned are different.....17-04075....From Mr. Barclay, then referencing Mr. Kipperman 17-04073

I do not know the answers to both those questions, perhaps the case numbers were simply jotted down incorrectly but both of the gentelmen are listed as "trustee". Also the meeting is listed as August 9th. but everything I have seen lists it as August 10th.

Seems to me this is a pile of "HORSE HOCKEY"... ANYONE THERE KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING....If these communications are any indications of what is to transpire then is does not bode well to me.....

In any manner I will be attending that hearing, hoping to learn something...If I am able I would like to pose a few questions.....probably not many if any......Loss carry forward as an asset, where are the patents and why are they not listed as assets.....there have been many settlements in the past year, where are the funds from those settlements?....etc...

If any of you have other questions, fire away.....I will make every attempt to stick my big nose in this proceeding to ask WHY...WHY AND WHY.....FRANK

Jul 27, 2017 05:24PM
Jul 27, 2017 05:30PM

Jul 27, 2017 05:41PM

Jul 27, 2017 05:48PM
Jul 27, 2017 05:55PM
Jul 27, 2017 11:50PM
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