
Dear Agoracom Family,

I want to thank all of you for your patience with us over the past 48 hours and apologize for what was admittedly a botched launch of our new site.

As you can see, we have reverted back to the previous version of the site while we address multiple forum functionality flaws that inexplicably made their way into the launch.

To this end:

1.We have identified 8 fundamental but easily fixable flaws that will be corrected in the coming week, so that you can continue to use the forums exactly as you've been accustomed to.

2.Additionally we will also be implementing a couple of design improvements to "tighten up" the look and feel of the forums.


George et al

Message: 5 Surprising Ways Cloud Computing Is Changing Education


Over the years, technology has significantly improved the way students are educated. It has not only provided new platforms for teachers to explore and practice their skills, but offered applications to ease their struggles as well. Today, both teaching and learning has gone beyond books and traditional classes and shifted to virtual space. This raises the possibility for the learners to stay connected - whether they are at school or home. However, choosing the right technology is necessary for change.

If we go a few decades back, pursuing degrees online might be considered unrealistic/impractical. But, in the 21st century, students are enrolled in institutions that are a thousand miles away from them. And, one of the driving technologies is cloud computing.

Precisely, cloud computing is an online platform that enables the user to store data on the cloud without having a physical server. It brings teachers and students on the same page and allows them to connect despite their locations. Moreover, there is a surety that the information shared via cloud remains save and secure.

Now, let’s explore briefly the benefits of cloud computing in education.

1.    Ease of Accessibility

There are no barriers to learning and teaching when it comes to the cloud. Users can efficiently access all the course lessons, submit assignments and take quizzes anytime and anywhere suitable for them. They can even participate in in-class activities and events and enrol courses without any hassle. All of this can be accessed and shared with multiple devices so that students can continue acquiring knowledge whenever possible.

2.    Creativity

At times, students get bored with the same old traditional classes and its lessons and often end up sleeping while attending a lecture. Well, not anymore. Cloud provides bigger and better opportunities for learners to steadfast their learning processes. With new tools and applications, students can experience an agile and innovative classroom where everything is smooth and faster than before. They can set up their own study desk and learn materials the way they like.

3.    Minimal Hardware Requirements

Cloud-based applications require minimal hardware resources as it is fully operated on the web and only needs a laptop/computer for access. However, the system does not have to be expensive with unlimited storage because a low-cost system with a motherboard, RAM and ROM would do the job. Similarly, students with mobile phones/tablets can also access it and continue learning without any troubles.

4.    Effective Virtual Learning Space

The idea is to have a cost-effective learning environment where every student receives quality education without slitting their pockets. Presently, with cloud systems, not only students save their conveyance cost but educators are able to cutoff infrastructure cost as well. Moreover, all the lectures that once needed physical interaction are now taught virtually with the help of a cloud-based application. Thus, schools and colleges can let go of physical instructors, as trainers/Best Assignment Writing Services UK available over the system will be enough to satisfy every learner’s needs.

5.    Scalability and Security

When more and more user starts to use an application, its security gets effected. But, same is not the case with cloud-based applications. It can cater to hundreds of users at a time without crashing or leaking personal information. Most of the schools also use cloud services for enrollment processes and assignments submissions. Once the peak time of traffic is over, the algorithm can scale down its efficiency to prevent the resources from getting wasted. As far as security is concerned, a VPN would be enough to ensure data security, allowing learners to share files without jeopardising integrity.

Undoubtedly, there are more benefits of cloud computing than the ones covered in this article. Otherwise, various schools and other organisations wouldn’t be interested in their services and integrate it into their systems. Yet, strangely enough, cloud computing has been sound helpful for the students in multiple ways. Ease of access is one of its remarkable features that makes it stand out among all other technologies. Whether it is a small school, private tuitions or big university, everyone can now enjoy academics from a different perspective.


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