Message: RE: Maycom Contract - doni

RE: Maycom Contract - doni

posted on Apr 02, 2006 01:21PM
I absolutely like the way you think....I say Amen to everything you say in this post.

I have wondered in the past, and have stated so many times on this board, why would BOW do what he is doing with Triad? It seems to me it will be just as expensive to follow that route as continuing to deal with EDig. (Development costs, Triad`s fees..etc..)(and then the manufacturing costs could not be much cheaper than what the DP costs are) Then adding in the delay and missed opportunities it could get very expensive for him.

This guy is a ego-nut. He is 70 years old and wants things the way he wants them....No other way....He wants control and he is going eat anything that resembles ka-ka to get it.

I imagine he has spent more than one night thinking of ways to get EDig to roll-over and play dead.

And I don`t believe he is operating under the assumption that he now owns EDig`s IP because he purchased APS. The situation would be much different. First of all if he believed that why would he hire Triad to come up with a new DP???? It was made completely clear when APS and EDig first did business creating the DP that Bill Boyer (APS) owned the shell of the DP and EDig owned the inside technology. There was never a question of that...

BOW is not the winner in this duel.

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