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Message: Re: SELL

May 18, 2012 12:18PM

May 18, 2012 12:25PM

May 18, 2012 01:34PM

May 21, 2012 02:11PM
I don't know where the shares are comimg from. Back in my days as a broker the only people who received shares in a high demand IPO were those who proved that they would abide by the gentlwmen's agreement not to sell anything for at least a month and for an IPO this big, it would probably be stretched to 6 to 8 weeks. Once an office or customer violated that unwritten agreement they would not get any IPO shares for at least a year and if they did it a couple of times they would never get any IPO shares in the future. This also applied to local offices, which would resullt in the office being shut down for repeated violations, ruining the career of the branch manager and possibly the district manager. Very large customers or Congressmen could get away with this more than others, but even they would find future allocations curtailed if they violated this rule. Has the IPO world changed this much over the past 20 years? Rip
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