Welcome To The Independent Nickel Corp HUB On AGORACOM

Focused on the Past Producing Nickel Mine in Lynn Lake

Message: Re: increased activity
May 18, 2008 04:04AM

Well, a couple observations, which I think are very bullish (but thats perhaps just me because I am an incurable optimist):

1) I fish by GPS, and to be out 38 metres in one spot I fish would put me 220 feet above the water on a rocky point. Now, that would be a serious mistake, even in fishing! So, I am thinking there was a good reason nobody on that WSA crew had a handheld GPS.

2) Another possibility is WSA got so excited when it saw our property they just could not resist drilling it. After all, they are a pretty gung-ho crew from down under, and what better way to be a friendly neighbour ! Every junior should welcome /love a neighbour like WSA .

3) Minago economic study this fall, I expect will confirm the smelter royalty we hold is worth most or all of INI's M/cap. How good would that be !! This is a tiny story that just gets better. Go team go.

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