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Message: Another Private Group

I understand, Hope, I had been on this board before I moved over to SH in 2009 with an avatar that for some reason I'm not able to sign back into anymore, so I created a SH replica (Lockheed) yesterday. What I meant about 'setting this up' was for organizing the migration here (I may just be assuming it was your doing?). But also, thanks for getting us the Yappn board! It will definitely come in handy...

My thoughts on the Intel TV translation... If it does come up with a "wowing" product, I believe it can only benefit Ortsbo/Yappn, as Intel's competition will want to catch up and get a hold of/integrate their own real-time translation tool for live events... That's where we come in... Already prepackaged and ready to go.

Some may call this a pump, I just think it's something to think about...

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