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Message: Re: PP + JF Tardif Call For $200 Oil and Higher Gold Prices

The stock was trading in the .37 - 40 range when the final confirmations were made. Remember, the stock had gone on a bit of run and could have easily pulled back on profit taking at that point back down to .25 - .30.

The bottom line for all of us is this:

Would we rather have ONT sitting at or slightly above PP levels and some are sitting on a profit, or would we rather have it sitting at these levels where most longs are making a profit?

The project fundamentals of the Company remain the same, while the financial and visibility fundamentals of the Company just got a lot stronger.

FYI, if all of you want to know how JF Tardif views the future, then listen to this exclusive AGORACOM interview with him yesterday:

Jean-Francois Tardif Calls For $200 Oil, Higher Gold Prices and More US Sub-Prime Pain In 2008.


Nov 10, 2007 03:50PM

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