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Message: (Nema) has approved Cortec Mining Kenya Ltd’s investment in Kwale.

Wicked intercept Rocklicker, now this:

Firm gets nod to start mining works

Updated Sunday, July 14th 2013 at 23:51 GMT +3


Kwale,Kenya:\National Environment Management Authority (Nema) has approved Cortec Mining Kenya Ltd’s investment in Kwale.

But the firm will first fulfill stringent conditions set by the environment watchdog to check deforestation, avoid radiation and ensure adequate compensation for affected communities before commencing works.

Cortec, which is destined to start mining niobium and rare earths at Mrima hill in Kwale County, has already been issued with a licence. The firm has been waiting for Nema to provide an environment compliance licence before starting operations, which include putting up a processing plant.

In a letter dated July 8, this year, with ref NEMA/PR/5/2/981 signed by B M Langwen for Director General Prof Geoffrey Wahungu, Nema says: “The National Environment Management Authority has reviewed the environmental impact assessment study report of the above mentioned proposed project and in light of the provisions of Environmental Management and Coordination Act 1999, the authority has approved the proposed project with mandatory conditions.”


Yesterday, the company’s managing director David Anderson confirmed receiving the letters and added that it will act as instructed. Cortec has proposed Sh12.8 billion for the construction of a niobium and rare earths processing plant.

Cortec is also expected to install of a waste water treatment facility approved by the relevant water and sewerage company and water resources management authority.

“The proponent shall obtain an effluent discharge licence from Nema, three months after the operationalisation of the waste water treatment facility,” read the letter.

It stated that the proponent shall “legally acquire the proposed piece of land at Mwabovo near Mrima hills and ensure all land owners are adequately compensated before implementation of the project.”

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