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Message: PR info from 2006

PR info from 2006

posted on Oct 25, 2007 10:33AM

THIS AGREEMENT made the 1st day of June 2006


EMERSON GERARD ASSOCIATES, INC. (EGA), a body corporate having an office at

5600 N. Flagler Drive #601, West Palm Beach FL 33407



PLURISTEM LIFE SYSTEMS, INC., a body corporate having an office at

MATAM Advanced Technology Park Building No. 20, Haifa 31905, Israel


WHEREAS; Pluristem Life Systems desires to retain EGA to provide Media Relations
services according to Attachment A below. EGA has agreed to provide such
services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set out.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the mutual
covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as


1.1 EGA shall provide Media Relations services for Pluristem Life Systems as set
forth in Attachment A below on an independent basis and such other marketing and
promotion services as may be mutually agreed between the parties from time to
time. EGA will write news releases presenting Pluristem Life Systems to EGA's
media contacts. EGA will pursue major media coverage of Pluristem Life Systems
persuading major media to interview Pluristem Life Systems, place the articles
EGA writes about Pluristem Life Systems into their publications, and run the
Pluristem story on radio/TV shows. EGA has numerous relationships with financial
industry, business and consumer editors and reporters, and program directors.
EGA fully expects to get major media exposure for Pluristem Life Systems.

1.2 In performing its duties hereunder, EGA shall at all times exercise the
standard of care, skill and diligence normally provided in the performance of
services similar to that contemplated by this Agreement. EGA will not violate
the laws of the Federal Trade Commission or Federal Communications Commission of
the United States, or any other regulatory agency overseeing the marketing or
promotion of products and services. If Pluristem Life Systems, whether at the
request of EGA or otherwise, engages the services of a specialist, EGA shall be
entitled to rely on the skill and knowledge of such specialist and shall not be
liable to Pluristem Life Systems for any damages or loss arising out of or
arising from the services of such specialist. EGA shall be entitled to rely on
the accuracy of any data furnished by Pluristem Life Systems unless to do so
would be unreasonable.

1.3 EGA shall not be required to devote its full time and attention to the
affairs of Pluristem Life Systems but shall be entitled, during the term hereof,
to carry on such other businesses and undertakings as it sees fit.

1.4 EGA shall not, either during the continuance of this Agreement or at any
time thereafter, disclose the private affairs of Pluristem Life Systems to any
persons. EGA shall not, either during the continuance of this Agreement or any
time thereafter, use for its own purposes or any purpose other than those of
Pluristem Life Systems any information they may acquire in relation to the
business and affairs of Pluristem Life Systems.


2.1 It is agreed that EGA shall perform these services month-to-month commencing
on the date signed below. For providing the services pursuant to the terms of
this Agreement, EGA will be paid in advance the monthly retainer fee of $4850.
The first month's fee is due upon execution of this Agreement, and thereafter
while this Agreement is in force $4850 is due each subsequent month in advance
on the monthly anniversary date of the signing of this Agreement.

2.2 Although no additional expenses are anticipated, EGA shall be reimbursed for
all pre-approved expenses actually and properly incurred by EGA in connection
with carrying out duties arising hereunder and directly related to activities
carried out on behalf of Pluristem Life Systems as long as such expenses have
been pre-approved by Pluristem Life Systems. EGA shall furnish to Pluristem Life
Systems statements and vouchers as required.


3.1 The term of this Agreement shall be for 30 days commencing upon receipt of

3.2 At the end of the 30 days this Agreement will continue until terminated in
writing by fax.

3.3 Pluristem Life Systems can terminate this agreement provided Pluristem Life
Systems has given 15-days notice to EGA by fax. Pluristem Life Systems is
responsible to pay for EGA's services during the 15-day notice period. Pluristem
Life Systems is responsible for expenses it has pre-approved in writing prior to
the notice of termination.

3.4. EGA can terminate this agreement by fax upon 15-days notice to Pluristem
Life Systems subject to the terms contained herein. EGA is responsible to pursue
the campaign in earnest during the 15-day notice period.

3.5 This agreement can also be terminated upon the mutual decision of the
parties hereto.


4. Pluristem Life Systems shall and hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless
EGA from and against all claims and demands of any nature or kind whatsoever
brought against EGA as a result of EGA's performance in good faith of the duties
and obligations required of EGA hereunder.


5. EGA shall and hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless Pluristem Life
Systems from and against all claims and demands of any nature or kind whatsoever
brought against Pluristem Life Systems as a result of EGA's alleged gross
negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of its duties and
obligations stated herein this Agreement.


6. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, benefits or obligations arising
from or out of the terms of this Agreement shall be assignable by either party
hereto without the prior written consent of the other party hereto.


7. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.


8.1 The parties hereto covenant and agree to make, execute and deliver any and
all further assurances or other documents necessary to give full effect to the
meaning and intent of this Agreement.

8.2 While diligently striving to achieve the goals set in Attachment A below,
EGA does not guarantee media coverage of Pluristem Life Systems.


9. The provisions of this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in
accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Attorney's fees for any
disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be the responsibility
of each party and not a part of the settlement thereof.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this document as of the
date and year written below.

BY: /s/ Zami Aberman

Zami Aberman, CEO

Pluristem Life Systems, Inc.

Date: June 5, 2006

BY: /s/ Jerry Jennings

Jerry Jennings, President

Emerson Gerard Associates, Inc.

Date: June 5, 2006



Proposed Media Relations Campaign: Pluristem Life Systems

EGA comprises a sophisticated team of media relations' experts and crack writers
that will spin the Pluristem story, pitch it to the media, and line up
interviews and publicity for the Company.

Through these types of media interviews, EGA has had clients featured in major
business newspapers, magazines and trade pubs, on TV news, radio and TV talk
shows. The companies we represent have appeared in thousands of positive news

(Read the stories at

These interviews have resulted in product sales in the user markets, along
with stock support in the financial markets.

By working with reporters, editors, and producers all around the country in
local regional and national markets, we expect to secure the kind of publicity
for Pluristem that can achieve both their financial and market
penetration goals.

We get clients covered by:


? CNNfn

? CNN-Business Unusual

? Wall Street Journal

? Investor's Business Daily

? Time Magazine

? Consumer Reports

? Readers Digest

? ABC News

? Financial Times

? Forbes Magazine

? Business Week

? N.Y. Times


? The Kiplinger Letter

We are very very good at this!!


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