patented technology to grow and expand adult Stem Cells

Adult stem cell development company commencing clinical trials applicable to estimated $30 billion degenerative disease market place

Message: Pluristem Therapeutics (PSTI) Approved To List on Nasdaq

Patriot is raking in licenses and money by the day. I'm not sure why the SP is so stagnant but it won't be for long. Once the settlement news hits, we should see a nice pop.

I looked into EDIG but I just don't get it. I probably haven't done enough DD, but it seems like it could take a while before it takes off - if it does at all. You obviously know more about EDIG than I do - I'm sure I'm missing something to the EDIG puzzle.

Pluristem could still be "huge" but as you said in a previous post, it may take a while to "really" take off and fly. I like the fact that the tech is such a worthy cause. It could change the world for the better.

Good Luck to you EDIGOKIE

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