Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Lacks logic

Sorry I took the wording as visual but here is how it is written;

"Probe Mines Discovers Mafic Intrusive Outcrop"

here is what it means.

Ultramafic to mafic layered intrusions are found in typically ancient cratons and are rare but worldwide in distribution. The intrusive complexes exhibit evidence of fractional crystallization and crystal segregation by settling or floating of minerals from a melt.

Ideally the stratigraphic sequence of an ultramafic-mafic intrusive complexe consists of ultramafic peridotites and pyroxenites with associated chromitite layers toward the base with more mafic norites, gabbros and anorthosites in the upper layers. Some include diorite and granophyre near the top of the bodies. Orebodies of platinum group elements, chromite, magnetite and ilmenite are often associated with these rare

With the soil sample results I guess I jumped to the word visual.

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