Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Dave is at Bordon LAKE?

From the last news release, PRB stated that drilling will not resume until Jan. 12 and I heard that Dave is already working at Bordon.Wow,it looks like that he really wants to get things moving to establish a solid case for the project before a move from CLF.John Embry did mention that gold companies must do their best to prove all they are worth in order not to sell on the cheap.Remember Virginia Gold years ago when Gold corp bought them for about 400 million dollars for only two millions ounces of proven gold in the ground and a lot of people thought that they over-paid?Well, Goldcorp just released their latest resource estimate on that property and it gave a figure of more than ten million ounces of high grade gold in the ground.Another interesting fact is that they only bought that one single project(leonora)and left all the other projects for Virginia to regroup and to reform a seperate gold company.Right now,this new COMPANY(Virginia mines)is worth slightly under ten dollars.

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