Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Time will tell

Look if you want out, sell. Most people pick up tidbits of information and seldom look a borehole logs are what other companies have been taken over for or sold and for what Value. Very little input even by so-called financial folks why ? well .....usually following 100 + stocks at any given time. Narrow attention span.

It is kind of stinky that Scotia...can't back what they say. Unfortunately, it's an opinion...nothing more than that. The fact that they use a reputable bank as the "backer" for this troublesome.

Lawsuit = doubtful

Recovery = maybe

Buyout = seems probable

Resource = 6 proven-8 million ounces plus another 2-3 in probable

Feasibility = we'll see later in the year

Infill Drilling = Grade improvement

Financing = hopefully @ 3-4 bucks (another 60 million in the bank)

43-101 = end of may

Monetizing the Chromite = never no

Getting over 10 million ounces = priceless

Market Investigation = years away if ever.....remember this is the government

Just a few random thoughts...we' sit below 3 for a while i think.

All the best

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