Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Re: Lackluster Interest
Sep 02, 2014 08:59AM
Sep 02, 2014 01:33PM
Sep 02, 2014 04:22PM
Sep 02, 2014 04:50PM
Sep 02, 2014 05:18PM
Sep 02, 2014 07:30PM

Well said. Yes I think the land deal will have to go through. The 50 % zone would be shared for development etc. I dont' think they will settle for having to cough up ....say 125 million for their share ( plus participation in a 50 million Line of Credit ). or...they can take cash and an NSR. An NSR they can always sell in 5 years and it may be worth significantly higher than now !

Can they sell their share to another major ? Doubt it.

If PRB hits on east limb a decent find say 2-3 million ounces then I think the land deal would speed up.

A second zone will give PRB a rise say...3.50 to 4.00 and a financing could be deployed.

On the other hand the land deal might be complete and Dave is spending the whole 26 million on Borden..8-10 drills....going nuts.

If PRB goes it alone ...say gold hits 1750 plus. Well now the low grade zone might work out.

PEA will cover both areas and various scenarios.

Suffice it to say.....nothing happens quickly!! Minimum 5 years to first pour or a Dore bar and that is being generous.

MAybe Chromite will come back into play.

Underground will be better to start...less environmental hassels.

Either way. Good place to put risk capital

Thoughts anyone...

Good Luck

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