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Message: The 100 share traders

Nine analysts recommend this stock. One suggests it is going to go to 50 cents. He represents the trading arm of one of the five major banks in Canada. The stock traded huge volumes yesterday (808000) and had only a minimal move. Does he know something we don't???

I recently held a uranium stock that got a huge underwriting at $1.60 and despite regular announcements of high grade UR drill holes the stock is now below a $1.00.The HFT stepped in with their algorithms and worked the stock down. No explanation from the regulators, the company or anyone else. The last two days is not a good sign for Probes trading pattern .The PR department must be off to Florida for the winter.

Finally; with the recent announcement of the land settlement (good news) there was trading on the news for at least a week prior to it becoming public. In the old days public companies simply halted trading pending a further announcement. I say again where are the regulators? Wake them up before we all loss our shirts.Are we the ones that are going to be mined?

Dec 12, 2014 07:24PM
Dec 12, 2014 08:06PM
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