Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: New Probe SP - Why is it going down?


I have agreed with you more often than not, but on this I think you may be letting your emotions impact your opinion on new Probe. Clearly we all feel we got the short end of the stick on the deal with GG, but reality is no one else stepped in to pay more. It is a bit like my neighbor who recently listed their home and when it did not sell said all the potential buyers were idiots. Regardless of what you are selling, it is not worth what you think it is, it is worth what someone else is willing to pay you for it. Before you scream, I realize they could have attempted to reject the offer. That is a much longer conversation.

Fortunately I sold my entire stake a few weeks ago and am now looking at using some of the profits to pick up share in the new Probe in the .28-.32 cent range (U.S.). I understand it is higly speculative, but giving zero value to all assets accept cash it still appears to be trading a discount.

Take out the emotion, we all made a a fair amount of money on this one (Not as much as the cronies...i get it). In my opinion taking 10-15% of my profits and buying back in at these levels is a risk I am willing to take.

Time wil tell. Good Luck!

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