Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Probe is visionary's delight

It is surprising to read the grumbling posts here. Probe is a new company, formed in March, 2015 in connection with the Gold Corp buyout. At that time there was some $22 million, no debts and no properties to conduct mineral exploration. Cash, by itsself, is not an income producing asset. The sp chart almost looked like the "flat line" of something with serious problems. For over a year Dave declared that the company would conduct a thorough search for an acquisition that would become a "Flag Ship" property.

For over a year Dave and team analyzed more than 100 possible candidates befor finding "just the right one," Adventure Gold (AGE). In case it is not known AGE was seriously short of cash to continue exploration of very promising multible properties in absolutely known and proven gold zones in Ontario ans Quebec. AGE was simply stuck in "lack of cash quicksand," and finding capital markets definitely not condusive for a junior mining discovery company to raise capital.

Then came along Probe, like a hermit crab shell, welcoming a new entity into its "warm and comfy" environment with a well stocked pantry with nutritious cash. Can you imagine AGE trying to raise the $22 Million inside Probe in the almost non-existant capital markets.I don't think so!!

So, now after the AGE acquisition, Dave and team, dubed "Team Gold Fingers" has been sucessful in finding visionary and savvy investors to pony-up over $13 Million to further stock its well stocked pantry with nutritious cash. How is it that our Team Gold Fingers is able to attract these visionary and savvy investors for $13 Million when there has been ZERO results of the discovery drilling programs conducted by AGE prior to acquisition? Probe could raise that amount of funding but AGE could not. Interesting, huh, since the properties owned by AGE and now owned by Probe are the same properties.

The answer is elementary (Watson)! Probe's Team Gold Fingers have an impeccable track record of exemplary success for over 10 years. Dave has been awarded the Prospector of the Year twice during this 10-year period. Also, the former Probe Mines was announced to be the best performing stock on the TSX for one of these years. The old addage of success breeds success has proven to be sage wisdom.

As to why raise additional capital when the pantry is already well stocked? Another old adage says a new company can never have "too much." cash. As to the sp in the funduing, rember that THE EARLIEST MONEY RAISED IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE. What would you rather have: (1) A pantry well stocked, albeit dilutionary and expensive, to conduct exploration with more success probality than not; or (2) exploration plans with more success probality than not but not have the funding to pursue?



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