Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Re: Probe Metals Completes Royalty Buy Back at Val-D'Or East Project

Seeing Dave getting the puzzel pieces together on Val D'Or East has me second thinking this project, the surface higher gold grades from trench samples, proposed surface stripping, ground and air borne geophysics and driling sets a new picture beyond the the earlier 600+ ounces of low grade gold to depths of 500m. Wide intersections of 1 to 3 g gold from 60 to 300m also suggests that something more happening. Should the higher grades found in trenches extend to depth can one say 'open pit'. Early days off course but this is 'gold country'.

With the present cash position the company can get a substantial exploration program going on several fronts. Could still be a quiet summer wrt news but I have lots of time. Hold

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