Timmins & Beardmore - Northern Ontario

Focused on becoming a near-term Gold Producer

Message: 10:1... 4:1...

Red, nothing wrong with thinking out loud. I passed that stages years ago. I now talk to myself out loud and the way I figure it is, as long as I do not respond to a question I have out loud, then I am still OK. LOL

I do believe that the various thoughts regarding an SGX/KXL merger are either not on the money or that, that occurrence is way off time wise.

Red if something is going to happen down stream a ways, IMO SGX would not get bigger. KXL "might". [note the quote] I believe that SGX as we now know it today, would be history. To get to the stage where the company has properly prepared itself for a takeover, [not a merger unless they really hit the mother of all lode[S], there would have to be a lot more work done.

KXL might have some internal challenges on their hands. It will be interesting to see who becomes the ceo of that company and what his philosophy and policies are and if he will make 'internal changes'.

The reason I put the quotes around might, regarding KXL getting bigger is because, if a tentative offer for KXL was made by Yamana, then that could change SGX's position. Other than that, even if they got bought out, that does not mean there would be a 'me to' clause in the deal for SGX. I do believe we would have a great trading opportunity though.

Just thinking out loud with my internet buddy Redster.


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