Timmins & Beardmore - Northern Ontario

Focused on becoming a near-term Gold Producer

Message: Re: Veins 6, 7 and 8.../Red911
Apr 07, 2009 08:42AM
Apr 08, 2009 06:02AM
Apr 08, 2009 06:32AM
Apr 08, 2009 06:45AM

Apr 08, 2009 06:56AM
Apr 08, 2009 07:02AM

Apr 08, 2009 07:19AM


You posted......"Also wondering why did SGX stop stripping and trenching virtually overnight? I know they had to stop sooner or later... but the weather is improving... and striping and trenching still most cost effective activity in this market... or did they finally find what they were looking for? '.......

The discontinuing of their trenching was not virtually overnight or unexpected. When I was chatting with Bill Love at the PDAC show he stated that several times they had planned to stop the trenching portion of their program but each time the local prospector who has a very good reputation, (not my quote) kept convincing them to extend the trenching because he was very enthused by what they were uncovering. (I am paraphasing here but something close along those lines). But Mr. Love said, and this was around March 2, that they would be trenching for about another week and then they would have to stop in order to allow them enough time to comeplete the vein mapping before drilling season. He did say that the vein mapping was a very critical part of the process. We did not get into the reasons why to any extend. However, I suspect due to the by now, well known fact that the veins in the region are narrow (though high grade and minable) pinpointing where best to drill by mapping the veins is a tedious but worthwhle process.



PS As with moving drilling equipment onto a site and drilling during spring thaw, stripping and trenching would likewise be an absolute miserable experience.

Apr 08, 2009 05:10PM
Apr 08, 2009 07:10PM
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