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Intellectual Licenses for Electronics & Communications

Message: Some clarification on the relevance of WiLAN's 4G/LTE patents: (Jim Skippen)

"A few comments on our LTE portfolio. We believe our LTE portfolio is a very important portfolio. We now have many patents families, we believe both LTE handset vendors and infrastructure vendors will need to license. Sometimes there is confusion, as to why we don't feature prominently in the pundits assessments of LTE patent portfolios. Investors should understand that we have quietly, but we think quite effectively, amassed a significant LTE portfolio. We have built this portfolio largely through acquisitions from smaller companies like Ensemble, Aperto, NextWave, SOMA, Airspan and now Alvarion. These smaller companies were at the forefront of 4G research and collectively their portfolios combined to make a potent and significant LTE portfolio which we believe no LTE vendor will be able to avoid.

We also elected not to self-declare our patents for in any standards bodies that's essential to LTE. This is because we see little advantage in declaring them essential, because by doing so, it may obligate us to offer the patents based on restricted royalty rate schemes. Many of the pundits used the self-declaration by other patent holders to standards bodies as the basis for determining who has LTE patents. It is important to remember that no objective body really evaluates, whether these self declared patents are in fact essential to LTE. I can say that we remain confident that our LTE portfolio is very important and will yield significant benefits for investors over coming years."

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