Welcome To The Formation Capital Corporation HUB On AGORACOM

The only high grade cobalt deposit in the Western hemisphere

Message: missing in action...

missing in action...

posted on Feb 03, 2009 07:44AM

Sorry, that I have been absent for awhile on this board, but my mother passed on, and I have been busy taking care of family affairs.

Things are starting to level off though, so I'm trying to get back in the saddle and continue on with life...

I'm very glad to see that the ROD is finally in FCO's hands, and that no more appeals seem to be pending, so with this spring just around the corner...this mine might just start breaking ground on this long trip to get some cobalt out of the ground and into multiple uses!!

Best Regards,

Long for Cash

Feb 04, 2009 05:41AM
Feb 04, 2009 01:38PM
Feb 04, 2009 03:04PM
Feb 04, 2009 07:31PM
Feb 05, 2009 07:51AM
Feb 05, 2009 08:00AM
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