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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: White Hat Tenor Same as Black Hat Bondies

Crystallex needs to borrow money again? The bucks didn't last like everyone thought, eh? Additional funding from White-Hat-Good-Guy Tenor resumes, resulting in more take-away from commons. The White Hat "Good Guys" did not latch their tentacles onto Crystallex with the intent to protect commons. Crystallex-Tenor back room shenanigans are as bad for commons as the previously imagined Black Hat Bondies worst could have ever done.

But, Great Show by Crystallex of "protecting" commons from the Bad Guy Bondies, while siphoning additional compensation through Good Guy Tenor. These "fundings" have nothing to do with management not being able to plan out their financial needs. Great Show.

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