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Message: Rock in the storm of doubt

Rock in the storm of doubt

posted on Dec 18, 2009 04:04PM

Rock in the storm of doubt

All of us that have ever played sports know this feeling. Getting an early lead then watching as in dwindles and you find yourself behnd, saying “what happened?”. The situastion is lowlighted like a play at 3.5c, your out of wind. As the game progresses the field levels again and confidence is beginning to grow. This confidence comes from youeron ice leader, in this case George Graham. He has sits chilly in the saddle and his confidence that this will right itself spreads to the whole rink. The rock in the storm of doubt.
I bring this up because of a letter forwarded to myself from a worried sick investor. Read it, think about it. We have a winner…time will prove it up. We have capable strong handlers of the company. Heres part of the transcript.

I’m sorry you are finding this investment a strain, but I can assure you
your fears are unfounded.

Mike Schell and Jake Wong are in town all this week and we have made 4
presentations to investor/brokers yesterday and today. We have refined our
presentation and it appears to be extremely effective based on the comments
we have received thus far. We have two more presentations tomorrow to
funding related people.

I had asked Ted Konyi to join us for dinner tonight which he is going to do,
and Ted is still quite supportive even if his direct involvement has fallen
off. Mike and Jake and I are all on the same page, and we have also on this
trip confirmed our going forward schedule as far as the technology
development is concerned.

We still have to confirm financing which will probably be done in two
stages, to minimize dilution if possible. I have consistently maintained my
loyalty to and consideration of our shareholders and will continue to do so.

December is always a weak time to be pushing stock and we do face some tax
write off selling from people who came in at higher prices and need the loss
for tax purposes. Hopefully there isn’t too much of that, but in any case
we believe the market will proceed upward starting in January.

All I can suggest is, relax and have a great Christmas

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