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Message: what a bonner of a day !

The temptation for the average investor to see this stock as a quick and easy +50% or "double" is immence. With the volume each day almost EXPECTED to be +1MM shares it may be an easy FLIP. There is no such thing as bad profit. When I first became a SH with APH that too was my goal - to buy at .15 and sell at .35. This all changed however as I did more and more DD. I began to see ,at first the obvious, that APH had short term possitive N/Rs comming - then began to dig into the "POSSIBLE" applications of thier product & this is where I became a long term APH  "INVESTOR" IMHO this company is on the fast track to putting two products on the shelves to generate cash flow. At the same time will become a more household name while they advance several topical applications. This may take 2 years or longer to reap the financial rewards (which is alright by me) I believe, it is at this stage of the companys development that the larger drug companys will be looking hard at APH to see what our T36r formulation can do for thier company. If this Mngt team can keep the company moving forward at this pace, then there is no reason that we are not rewarded  for our patience. Flips will work for quick profit while the company advances but you may never have the position you own right now ever again. I can see the possibility of a 10 bagger (.40) from here for those who have the clarity of vision of APH 2-4 years down the road. GLTA

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