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Message: Another Week..

Mounting Frustration

posted on Mar 20, 2008 08:35PM

With each and every trading day passing by, the level of frustration & concern over the SP is , to say the least ,becomming more & more evedent within these & other board postings. A share-holder who had entered into APH north of 1.00/Sh must now be asking themselves what on earth they missed to have miscalculated the worth of this companies shares by this much? When a company's share price escalates over the short term to the magnitude that our Alda has, and  for that matter goes at least a little parabolic over the short term, the down side can be just as sudden. With the toxic mixture of negative overall market conditions, major league profit taking, stoploss triggers being hit & now panic selling by some who either may have bought too much or on margin accts, and the ever present stockmarket vultures (Shorters) we are now whittness to APH sellingoff to perhaps a more reasonable share value  where APH realistically belongs this March 20, 2008. The ride up from south of .20 - to 1.50 was both thrilling & intoxicating with virtually all holders of record in the green. But as with all  "parties" sometimes there is a "hangover" to pay the price shortly after. Now for the million dollar question where do we go from here? To my knowledge nothing of any signifigance has changed in the companies plans or thier direction. They are taking steps to further create shareholder value, and to further the companies image  both nationally & on the worldwide stage. They are in process of expanding the investor base in the USA. They are also proceeding in China to create suitable processing/manufacturing facilities to allow for the quick increase in worldwide sales which is certain to happen with the branding and subsequent marketing ahead. To be prepared to launch for the 08 olympics would be a real positive, but I feel if the company can not hit this self imposed target date, it would not be catastophic. This company, with it's multi product strategy is focused on the long term goals both of the company & of the shareholders. We, the company, are not tied to the pressures often felt by the minority shareholders with thier short term financial commitments. Make no mistake everyone benefits from a higher shareprice, but for now at least, the position of the company is stronger today than it was even 6 months ago. This is a very tightly held float with a loyal following and with the proper market conditions & a couple of timely N/Rs , you will see the SP escalate quite quickly to the next level. Hopefully this rise will come on the heals of information that truely deserves a stronger market cap.Patience in this case will mean rewards later. All of course JMHO - Paul

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