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Message: Re: hey drumstick and the bouch
Mar 24, 2008 01:04PM
Mar 24, 2008 03:04PM
Mar 24, 2008 04:19PM

no worries with this puppy .Unless you need to yank your money out soon, just sit back, nothing but blue skies ahead. May be some more shareprice volitility because of things the small retail guy can't control, but it doesn't worry me.  I got in at .55, .60, and $1.34, and sounds hard to believe, but I didn't sweat the big dip. Like I said, I believe there's so much this company will do with their T36, huge potential, and it doesn't happen overnite. Give it untill the end of the year and we'll all laugh about the nervous nellies the last couple weeks...


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