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Message: WOW!
Great Post r042wal - I thought I had successfully taken drumstick off the suicide watch on Monday but his "Find a problem at any cost" attitude still persists. The Fundamentals in this company are strong and now the TA ponts to higher prices in several cases. Without undue stress from a tanking market this upcomming week, I think the BOTTOM is in and we will maintain this range in SP untill Dr O. tells the world in a week or Two that we are now in full production in our Chineese Plant in time for a "Pre-Olympic" launch. CHILL out people, sit on your hands and you will make much more money than would you with a nervous finger on the sell button. Drumstick if you keep dwelling on "What Could Be Wrong" YOU WILL TALK YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR SHARES ! If you still can't sleep at night holding your APH shares then contact me and perhaps you & I could arrange a private placement !!!:-)
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