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Message: Today...

Just a little late with the response.  the day started very quietlly th volume was very lite but the sp started to move up a bit at at a time i bought a small batch at 74 and then watched as it traded sideways for a while next time i checked it was up .08 so picked up some more at 82 not thinking that it would close so high.  Could be the shorts trying to cover yhe volume has been way down but on one of the posts  the other day it was mentioned  that while no one is buying no one is selling either. It could also mean news is coming i for one do not believe that we all get the same info at the same time  if there is one thing you learn if two people know a secret it is not a secret anymore. Will wait till am to see what is going to happen but one thing is for sure we all deserve a spike up on this one and hopefully the price will hold tommorow alda has a good product as we have all been discussing and maybe some more people have noticed it .Good luck  have a  good night all.


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