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Message: Today...

Re: Today...

posted on Apr 05, 2008 06:19AM
One thing this stock has shown is how unpredictable it can be. When the sp was in the teens and it jumped .18 it prompty gave back .11 the next day. There where a couple of more big moves up  followed by a pull back the next day and of course when i thought i had it figured and sold on one  the moves hoping to buy back it did not pull back but kept going up, it was a mad scramble to get back in. I must admit when i first got in i was a sceptic but now i do believe in the company not to a point where i will watch the sp go to zero but after reading everything you all have to say about alda if this produt does everything we are told it does we could see a large rise in th sp as more and more people become aware of it.
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