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Message: Another one of those..
Todays action was somewhat annoying to the longs awaiting a nice lengthly runup on a real N/R. Not sure what caused it because yesterdays SP increase was on at least 80-90% TD's buying.Today TD is overwhelmingly the seller in basically the same price range as yesterdays buying ??? Yesterday TD looks like they are primed for good news and accumulating accordingly. Today they look like they are either unloading thier part of the last PP into the strength of the NR or pushing the price down at oppertune times today in order to really accumulate more tomorrow or even the rest of the week. This is also why I find the market 50% annoying & 50% fasinating. Not to be lost in this manipulation scenerio is the fact that APH has hit the map in sales. Kudos to the company for bringing us this far, this fast. Sales are where we have been heading towards over the last year or so & the investment community will not ignore sales/quarterly profits. I feel for the short term investors over todays angst but to the longs this is confirmation of the worth of this company going forward & we will win this battle as the company grows to the point where the market players will be too small to push the prices of the shares around to any real degree. As with all my posts JMHO and open to debate !!- Paul
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