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Message: to 4winns from realtime

The news release today was good in that it adds value to the company, just like getting patents adds value, but under the circumstances it was fluff.

IMO, we have been expecting branding and distribution information because Owens said the end for the first quarter beginning of the second quarter (March / April). Although Alda has a consistent record for delivering when they say they do, this one has investors stumped because Alda is acting out of character.

One other item that ties in with this is the Drug Information Number (DIN). We were told this is normally a 60 day (average) process and that Alda had hoped to get it fast-tracked. We know the product cannot be placed in drugstores without a DIN.

Another thing that I think has shaken confidence is the excuse that there were changeovers in staff at Health Canada and someone was sick. Under the circumstances, when you consider what is at stake, it is a rather flimsy excuse and I am sure others see it this way too. Not that I have a lot of confidence in our elected officials, I do think Health Canada is run a little more efficiently than depicted.

Finally, if there is a legitimate reason for the delay in being issued a DIN, why are we not being told what it is? It brings up the question - what is being withheld? Was a NR like today planted to deflect us from the issue of the DIN? Are there more virus' that APH kills that Alda will use as filler NR's until we are ready to move forward?

I am sure there are many obstacles behind the scene that we are unaware of as products are developed and brought to market. I am comfortable if the branding is late and I am sure it is for good reason. Considering the sagging SP the last while, I think the efforts with today’s NR are commendable and the investors sent back a message that I am sure was well heard.

Remember, application is being made to sell on a U.S. Exchange, and there could be a big demand for T36 products this July as China readies for the Olympics in August. Remember, there is already a manufacturing facility in China.

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