Welcome to the ALDA Pharmaceuticals Hub on AGORACOM

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Message: to 4winns from realtime

Re: welcome

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posted on Apr 15, 2008 09:21PM
Luckily for me ... I did invest in a company that produces  vallium - because I will be raking in the profits with all you nervous Nellies.- This is redicilous- nothing has changed except our unrealistick expectations- Guys ,we were at .69c not two weeks ago.What do you people expect? We are on a ride that could take possibly 2 - 3 years maybe longer!!! If you are here for a double you must excuse me as I'm talking to the LT investors here. This company comes out on an almost weekly basis and adds to your company's worth. WE DO NOT CARE WHAT THE AVG. STOCK FLIPPER THINKS OF OUR COMPANY!!!! We are here for the LT at a level that will reflect what Dr O can bring to the table. Every time I bring up this website - I find that this CEO has added value to my investment. I could care less what Joe Blow thinks of it - But Joe investment Fund investor will love this company,at some point, as it becomes a player in multi - Billion dollar fields.Keep an eye on the big picture people!We have, with out trying, been able to diversify our product to take in a multitude of applications!!! We are not some little idea trying to find a niche, but a product waiting to quelch a need in a plethera of areas. I understand that day traders & ST investors have to see a positive return quickly, but I'm here for that day when APH is the cure for just about everything aformentioned in Dr T's letter to investors - this idea - this T36r is going to cause waves - big waves, and if you are not on this ride you will be looking back & wondering ----are thebouch and AC at the millionaire's ball without Me ????
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