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Message: Re: DIN# - drumstick
Apr 19, 2008 06:37AM
Apr 19, 2008 07:19AM

Re: DIN# - drumstick

posted on Apr 19, 2008 08:04AM

Been-there-done-that.!! Easy to get too excited about the possibilities - Even easier to get too depressed when market forces jerk your "Plan" around. Stay strong - stay the course. Continue to question the unusual- BUT REMEMBER WHAT BROUGHT YOU HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. No crystal ball on my table but I get the feeling that the last two days have been orchrestrated by the "Good guys" with perhaps another day or two of low-moderate volume and continued upswing before some kind of N/R. Get the feeling somebody is setting the table. We will see if what I'm feeling is accurate or just a case of bad gas LOL

Apr 19, 2008 02:06PM
Apr 19, 2008 02:57PM
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