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Message: DIN#

Re: DIN# - drumstick

in response to by
posted on Apr 19, 2008 07:19AM
As I understand the DIN situation of today... We are waiting for the new DIN # for one product. That being accomplished we will then introduce the new branding for all four products at the same time. With branding in place the marketing campain will then be set in motion on numerous fronts, driving home the uniqueness and inherent benifits of our line of products over existing "competitor" products. With the new Alda lineup becomeing a household name both here and south of the 49 paralell, we will then see a US listing on OTCBB or if the share price permits a possible AMEX listing. Given that many companys are quite successful in launching products within Canada only, I cannot share your beliefs that a "Canadian only" Product line would be insignificant to the shareprice of APH. In closing let me draw a comparison for you... In the full ALDA picture , this company in some regards is like a 5000 piece puzzle. We are now at the stage whereby we may have enough pieces in place to form the outside edges. We cannot yet see the picture but we have a great idea of what it should look like in it's completed form. As we accomplish more and more of Dr TO's milestones we will have a better understanding of how long this will eventually take us to complete. Every once in a while some idiot (Like TD) tries to jam the wrong piece into our puzzle, but that is seen by those who understand the "Big Picture" as a buying oppertunity or at most a temporary delay. Try not to focus on the day to day SP. Instead look at it on a month to month basis. Anyone who does this looking back over the last year will undoubtedey have a smile on thier face for the rest of the weekend !!!!! My prediction for next week is a higher share price next Friday than is currently seen today. GLTA Longs - Paul
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