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Message: Same old same old...

Re: Same old same old...Drumstick

posted on Jun 06, 2008 10:08AM

For what it is worth... I agree with your present day view of APH, where it is presently trading may very well be it's true share value. You may even be right on in your theory that we are "stuck in this range" for the near future, albeit with no earth shattering announcement to jar the sp northbound. What we have to do in reality is seperate ourselves into two groups 1) S/T or short term (1-6 months for my way of thinking. 2)Long Term (LT) 6 MONTHS TO 3 YEARS (also JMHO) It may even be helpful to those answering your posts if you declare if your thoughts are of LT or ST in nature. Short term, it is my opion that we will see a slow march to respectable S/P once again as the company continues to build value. I'm guessing at somewhere from .65 - 90 over the next 3-6 months. LT however I can see Alda with worldwide sales of perhaps 50M anually over 2-3 years looking forward. Given that we seem to expect at least 45% profit from sales (at least those from China) & given we have roughly 50M shares O/S I can see a sp of $3.33 in two or three years useing a PE ratio of 15X. These are just numbers off the top of my head mind you (and math was never a strong suit for me LOL) But I profess to be LT in Alda and with our unique product in a world screaming for someone to step up and combat these "Super Bugs" we are in for "Prime Time" coverage as the APH story become known. Due to the fact that my numbers are, at this time just a forward looking HUNCH, I leave myself absolutly vulnerable to any negative responce you may have. Bear in mind , though I have watched my shares' value go from 314,000$ to 114,000$ and although I'm not pleased, I believe I still am correct in the vision I had when I first invested in Dr T O. and these numbers will dwarf in size to what I'm expecting down the road 2-3 years. - Paul

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