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Message: It seems to me that

These are just the ramblings of a long time investor in what I concider an exciting micro pharma play, so try to humour me a little !!

With milestones being made, world events unfolding, and Alda's timeing comming together this weekend. Holders of APH may be on the cusp of seeing our shares finally get the respect so many of us who fully understand the potential here believe we deserve. Last week with little or no fanfare, we witnessed the long awaited begining of trade in APCSF. To those who understood that a brand new listing being introduced to the uneducated investor down in the US who knew nothing about Alda, would go unhearolded, a week of trading comprising of exactly 5,000 shares was not a surprise. That being said, all future N/R's will now be seen by a much larger audiance. The world event that I referred to was a sad, & for most of us, a somewhat concerning one. With the outbreak of the Never-before-seen H1N1 strain of influenza dozens of people have now died & hundreds have fallen ill to this new threat. Most of those affected were also male in the prime of thier lives. Scarey to say the least. My wife works as a nurse in what was concidered the Canadian epicentre of S.A.R.S. here in the Toronto area & we lived closely to the nightmare that was SARS. Would not wish that on anyone not even an investor shorting APH LOL. With the ODA convention here in Toronto this comming weekend Dr Owens will be meeting several thousand medical/Dental professionals. The timming of the launch of our product line could not be picked any better IMO. He will ,durring conversations all weekend, be able to at least give anicdotal testimony that our product has been shown to kill most threats that it was tested against including the SWINE FLU VIRUS in China.

With travel shrinking our world more and more each year, the American investor can not in good conscience believe that they will be immune from possible pandemics. The case of this Mexican bourne FLU has already passed through it's borders and infected 10 people. Our products will be of great interest to the average consumer in this mamoth market.

In his announcement pertaining to the launch of our product line at the ODA convention, I felt a distinct energy and commitment from him when he stated that shortly after the launch we would be targetting all of the markets that Alda's products would be after. The timeing is perfect in my opinion. With H1N1 prevelant in the news we could easily grab not only newslines but easier sales & penatration into the elusive hospital market place.

Also in the timeing theme of this ramble....Aug 31, 2009 looms in the not to distant future. Terry knows better than anyone that we will need to generate cash for the upcomming closing of the manufacturing facility. Dilution is an ugly word and lets not forget that Dr T is our largest share holder here and I'm sure he is cognicent to the effect that dilution would have on everyones bottom line here. I'm sure he would like nothing more that to raise, say, 10 million dollars through a PP at over a buck. He will probably finance half of the purchase through Long term loan (Let's here it for Eugene !!) and half through share issued. If he can pull this off at 1.00 /share he would have to issued 3 million shares for the purchace of the company, issued to the seller another 2 million shares & probably go to the market with another offering of 4 million shares to give the compny the funds it will require to properly market our line. This, if I'm accurate ,will give us a share float of 58Million shares outstanding and a long term debt of $3M. With a manufactering facility ready to generate sales/revenue. We would be on our way !!! These are just the ramblings of a long term Alda Bull on a Saturday Afternoon !! Thanks for humouring me ! - Paul

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