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Message: WOW - Raymond James comes to the rescue

The laser beam appears to be approaching your trousers here, so I suggest you take off the chains and get off the table at this point. That being said--undoubtably offending the many who were part of "the race to 1$"-- I would think it may settle here in the low .30's.

Do you think this product is flying off of the shelves? I would reluctantly say, "NO!" so we may rely on the excitement and potential of the Olympics here... remember the Summer Olympic hype of yesteryear?... Well atleast the product is directly tied into this one...

To be honest, I don't think T36 is any more effective than Purell or your No Name brand (ie. the label is evidence enough). As for secondary uses, like curing foot itch or whatever it was (read a few posts back), I think it may be more emotional than medical and, if anything, it was probably the alcohol. I bid this fellow good guidance as to where he decides to apply T36 next!

Watching closely and curiously. Good luck to all.

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