high performance solar technology

A Bright Future Leveraged by High-Efficiency ARISE PV Cells

Message: Re: Arise mentioned in this article
Nov 13, 2008 01:27PM

Regardless of what oil prices do, people will and, are looking for alternatives, clean alternatives, for power/electricity.

The low price doesn't make it cleaner. Arise and other companies in its court provide the alternatives the globe is looking for. A fundamental shift in outlook. Have lower oil prices changed everyone's perspective overnight? I don't think so. Oil prices aren't the problem, its availability of cash to those new technologies that may not necessarily be deserving of it. Arise is implementing their plan in a tough financial market. Even with reductions of purchases by their clients, this company will continue its course and turn a profit we hope in 2009. Unless I am missing something, and correct me if I'm wrong, they have contracts.

Dependance on foreign oil needs to disappear regardless of the price. That's APV's mantra so to speak. That's why they have built a company dedicated to solar. Regardless of whether people can pay their bills, there are just as many people using hydro today (for residential purposes in any case - not manufacturing I guess), in what seems to be an unravelling economy than yesterday when economic growth was going through the roof. So whats the fuss. We need clean power more now than ever. Anyone in any government deciding that now's the time to start building oil fired hydro plants? If you know the answer to this, then you will figure out that oil's not the problem.

APV's SP has dropped, but if you haven't noticed, people are buying.

Seems like everyone in this forum gets it. Just not sure if anyone else does yet. I didn't notice if there were too many large blocks traded over the last few days and whether they are institutional or not. My speculation, and its only that, is that the sellers are the private investors just getting nervouse and cutting losses right now. I know I've sold off some of my other positions in other stocks for this very reason.

Just have to keep the ones that make sense.

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