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Message: solar on radio

solar on radio

posted on Mar 28, 2009 06:30PM

CBC's Quirks and Quarks had a segment on solar power today. didn't catch the first part but will replay online. Google CBC Quirks and Quarks and it will get you there.

One thing the guest (prof from U of Calgary) said, whick I have felt all along is that solar/hydrogen will be important, where uneeded solar power will be used to convert water to hydrogen to use at night.

BTW, I am starting to look into Day4 Energy (DFE). Rapidly growing revenues, cash in the bank, next to no debt all look good, but trying to learn more about their operation. I think having the McDonald from McDonald Detweiler heading the Co gives some credibility as well. Their hub has never had a post here! If anyone wants to talk about it, let me know, we can do on off topic here or on the DFE hub or PM.


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