Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Mining giants wait out permitting issues before targeting acquisitions

I also think most US investors are really not into Gold or any metals as a matter of fact. If you go to the Morgan Stanley's and Smith Barney and ask them about gold they will question your sanity at first and then go on about never more than 5% of your portfolio. They basically do not follow Gold companies ( first of all there are very few US Gold Companies of size except Newmont)....Homestake and Santa Fe Gold were bought out and Freeport is actually a copper play.

The only stocks that these guys will recommend to most clients are those that are listed on the NYSE, AMEX or the Nasdaq. That's why you see recommendations of ABX by ( numbnutts Cramer) On Oct 11, 2007 because they are UNHEDGED????? He didn't even know they still had 9,500,000 ounces of gold hedged at about $ 325 !!

It is difficult to buy foreign gold stocks in the US if they are not listed on the US exchanges and getting ripped off through the Nasdaq bulletin boards is very common. I've asked Marla if they have considered the AMEX and she said they have but it is not in the cards yet. They are having success by promoting directly to the large funds and that is where they want to go right now.

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