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Message: ARU Drilling Activity on FDN
Apr 25, 2008 12:44AM
Apr 25, 2008 12:54AM

Apr 25, 2008 12:58AM

If you go back to the ARU website and look at the infill drilling on the high grade area of the FDN project you will see that most of the drilling ( if not all) is either complete or in progress.

The infill drilling for now ( the next resource update) is between the 3300 and 3700 meter lines. The drill results due to be out in late April/early May should have completed most if not all of the holes to be drilled.

If ARU can get a couple of weeks extension to complete what they need on this from the Government we will be in good shape to go into the planning stage of the mine to be built.

All of this of course needs the Govt of Ecuador to concur with......I sure hope we see news leading us ( ARU) in that direction.

My personal feelings are we have a good case for this to happen as it is without a doubt beneficial to Ecuador !!


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