Significant gold resource - Excellent infrastructure

Camino Rojo Mexico : In-situ - 4.0 million ounces gold; 68.32 million ounces of silver.

Message: Re: For new investors of CPQ
Jan 16, 2008 10:44AM

Jan 16, 2008 12:15PM

PW, Thanks for the welcome and background information. I’m new to CPQ (I spent the past week buying in) so I appreciated the synopsis of what CPQ has going for it. Obviously others are impressed as well as evidenced by its moving up 15% in the past couple of days as the market took a major hit. I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops over the year. So as a newbie in search of information:

Does anyone know what CPQ’s burn rate is?
When will CPQ run out of cash and have to refinance/dilute us?
Does CPQ pre-announce when they are going to release results or is the ‘Friday’ statement an informed guess?
Anything else that would help get me up to speed?


… Been There

Jan 16, 2008 02:21PM
Jan 18, 2008 02:15PM

Jan 18, 2008 03:32PM
Jan 18, 2008 05:16PM
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