Significant gold resource - Excellent infrastructure

Camino Rojo Mexico : In-situ - 4.0 million ounces gold; 68.32 million ounces of silver.

Message: Re: Update
Jan 16, 2008 10:44AM

Jan 16, 2008 12:15PM
Jan 16, 2008 02:21PM
Jan 18, 2008 02:15PM

Jan 18, 2008 03:32PM

Thanks for the update Geoinvestor. I was concerned that they were going to have to go for money before they tested the deposit at depth. I've been looking at the newest (revised Dec 2007) Goldcorp technical report ( ) on the Penasquito deposit in trying to model Camino Rojo. Hopefully we see the same increase in grades in the sulphides as they did at Penasquito. A 500+ metre intersection of higher grade mineralization would certainly boost the share price and cost us a lot less share dilution for the amount of dollars they raise.

... Been There

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