Welcome to the Cardiogenics Holdings Discussion Forum

Paramagnetic Beads and QL Analyser are Proprietary Products

Message: drandres you are not fooling anyone!

Dear Ian or whatever your actual RB name may be these days,

I have been called many things in my 67 years of life but rarely if ever cunning. Thanks for the complement I get very few of them these days. I have actually owned shares in this company for eight years having bought and sold at various time. I still own many more shares than I should and I truly do hope that all of the pumpers on RB prove to be exactly correct since I can make a whole bunch of money if they are. I really don't care why the shares go up as long as they do. If you guys can help the sp increase then I am all for you. However I don't feel that message boards have much if any effect on stock prices.

I am happy to see that you are being polite in your last post. Agoracom favours these kind of posts over the previous one you wrote.

Good luck and I hope that JAGH becomes a 10 bagger even for those of us who originally bought it at much higher levels than the current one.


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