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Paramagnetic Beads and QL Analyser are Proprietary Products

Message: To chase or not to chase that is the question.

I still would really like to know who has the $10 ask and why it is appearing with such regularity. Thanks Jag and Ante for your prompt and encouraging responses. I think I'll try to buy in 5000 share lots at .40 if possible. Perhaps I will be able to buy 1/2 or so here and then, like Jag wait for any possible pull back to buy the rest. A 10 bagger would be nice indeed. Many of us were waiting for a big jump in KXL in oder to party in Vegas. No sign of it as yet. It may well be that the few, the proud, the CGHNers may take over that reservation and meet in Vegas for champagne and caviar.

Just dreaming as usual.


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